Raising goats
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The following are the miscellaneous goat farming begins with a brief history of goats, goat farming centers, types of goats, the benefits of goats, goat farming area requirements, technical guidelines goat farming, pests and diseases of goats and other livestock forth .-
Goat optimal production
Goats, feed, cage construction equipment, land
Place food / drink
1. Types of native goats in Indonesia are the nuts and goat breed goats etawa (PE)
2. Choosing seed
The selection of seeds needed to produce better offspring. The selection of candidates recommended seed in the local area, free of disease with either phenotype.
1. Prospective parent
12 bulan, (2 buah gigi seri tetap), tingkat kesuburan reproduksi sedang, sifat keindukan baik, tubuh tidak cacat, berasal dari keturunan kembar (kembar dua), jumlah puting dua buah dan berat badan > 20 kg." onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#ebeff9'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#fff'">Age ranged from> 12 months, (2 pieces incisors fixed), the fertility rate of reproduction is, the nature of good keindukan, the body is not disabled, originating from twin offspring (twins), the number of nipples and two body weight> 20 kg.
2. Prospective stud
1,5 tahun, (gigi seri tetap), keturunan kembar, mempunyai nafsu kawin besar, sehat dan tidak cacat." onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#ebeff9'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#fff'">Males have a nice appearance and large, age> 1.5 years, (permanent incisors), a descendant of twins, has a huge appetite married, healthy and not disabled.
3. Feed
1. Goat likes all kinds of leaves as basic feed and feed supplement (concentrate).
2. Additional food can be prepared from (Kalapa meal, soybean meal), rice bran, fish meal plus minerals and vitamins.
3. Basic feed generally is grass heaven, leaves lamtoro, Gliricidia, jackfruit leaves, etc..
4. Giving forage should reach 3% body weight (dry matter basis) or 10 - 15% weight loss (basic fresh material)
4. Feeding parent
In addition to forage mixture, additional food should be given while pregnant and gave birth to old and new, about 1 1 / 2% body weight with protein content of 16%.
5. Cage
In principle, shapes, materials and construction goat cage measuring 1 1 / 2 m² for an individual parent. Males separated by size cage 2 m², being put together weaning off boy (age 3 months) with a size of 1 m / tail. high sealing 1 1 / 2 - 2 x high livestock.
6. Prevention of disease: before the animal cages, goats must be free from internal parasites with drug delivery worms and external parasites with a bath.
Ministry of Agriculture, http://www.deptan.go.id.
Ministry of Agriculture, Jalan Harsono RM No. 3, Ragunan - Pasar Minggu, Jakarta 12550 - Indonesia
Goats have long cultivated by the farmer or society as a sideline or savings because maintenance and marketing of the products (both meat, milk, manure and skins) is relatively easy. Although traditionally have provided good results, if the maintenance is improved (a semi-intensive or intensive), weight gain can reach 50-150 grams per day. There are three main things that must be considered in the goat business, namely: seeds, food, and governance.
Selection of seedlings should be adjusted with the objective of the business, whether for meat, or dairy (eg nut for the production of meat goats, goat etawah for milk production, etc.). In general characteristics of good seed is the able-bodied, no defects, clean and shiny hair, high adaptability to the environment.
* Feature to prospective parent:
1. Compact body, deep and wide chest, back and waist straight lines, great body, but not too fat.
2. Tame and friendly eyes.
3. Straight legs and high heels.
4. Complete teeth, able to graze with the good (efficient), upper jaw and below the average.
5. Of the offspring born twin or single but from a young parent.
6. Udder symmetry, do not hang and berputing 2 pieces.
* Characteristics for male candidates:
1. Great body and length with the back of the larger and taller, broad chest, not too fat, stout, active and has the libido (lust marriage) high.
2. Legs straight and strong.
3. From the offspring of twins.
4. Age between 1.5 to 3 years.
The type and manner of administration adapted to the age and condition of livestock. Food that is given should be sufficient protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, easily digestible, not toxic and preferred stock, inexpensive and easily obtained. There are basically two kinds of food, namely forage (various kinds of grass) and an additional meal (derived from nuts, fish meal, coconut meal, vitamins and minerals).
The way of administration:
* Awarded 2 times a day (morning and afternoon), heavy grass 10% of body weight of goats, also provide drinking water from 1.5 to 2.5 liters per head per day, and salt to taste berjodium.
* For the goat pregnant, lactating mother, dairy goats and bulls are often mated should be added to food reinforcement in the form of porridge as much as 0.5 to 1 kg / head / day.
4. Procedure
1. Cage
Must be fresh (good ventilation, enough sunlight, clean, and a minimum distance of 5 meters from the house).
The size of cages used are:
Cage lambing: 120 cm x 120 cm / tail
Cage parent: 100 cm x 125 cm / tail
Cage child: 100 cm x 125 cm / tail
Cage males: 110 cm x 125 cm / tail
Cage virgin / adult: 100 cm x 125 cm / tail
2. Reproductive Management
Labored to goat can give birth at least 3 times in two years.
The things that must be considered are:
1. Goats reach sexual maturity at age 6 to 10 months, and should be given in marriage at age 10-12 months or when body weight
reach 55-60 kg.
2. Old estrus 24-45 hours, intermittent estrus cycle for 17-21 days.
3. Estrus signs: restlessness, decreased appetite and drinking, the tail is often shaken, frequent urination, swollen genitals and want / silent when
be climbed.
4. Ratio of male and female = 1: 10
When the right to marry the goat are:
1. Pregnant period 144-156 days (.... 5 months).
2. The period of birth, weaning and ± 2-month break.
3. Disease Control
1. It should be emphasized on disease prevention through good sanitation cage, food, adequate nutrition and vaccination.
2. Disease that often attacks the goat are: intestinal worms, scabies (scabies), abdominal bloating (Bloat), lungs (pneumonia), orf, and koksidiosis.
4. Post-Harvest
1. Should be cultivated to increase the added value of livestock production, either meat, milk, leather, horn, or droppings. When the goat about to be sold at the time did not increase body weight (age about 1 - 1.5 years), and labored to a high enough demand for goats.
2. The price is estimated by: x live weight (45 to 50%) x carcass retail beef prices.
1. Expenditure
1. Seed
* Seeds 1 tail male = 1 x Rp. 250.000, - USD. 250.000, -
* Seeds 6 females = 1 x Rp. 200.000, - USD. 1.200.000, -
Total Rp. 1.45 million, -
2. Cage USD. 500.000, -
3. Food Rp. 200.000, -
4. Drugs USD. 100.000, -
Total Expenditure USD. 2.25 million, -
2. Income
1. From his son
If after 1 year, to 6 products produced 2 tails, the number of goats that can be sold after 1 year = 12 tail. If the price of each tail USD. 150.000, - then from 12 tails will be generated: 12 x Rp. 150.000, - = Rp. 1.800.000, -
2. From parent
Increased body weight of 50 grams per cow per day, then after 2 years will be produced weight: 7 x 50 gr x 365 = 127.75 kg. Total meat that can be sold (7 x 15 kg) + 127.75 kg = 232.75 kg. Revenue from the sale of meat = 232.75 kg x Rp. 10,000, -= Rp.2.327.500, -
3. From the dirt:
Over the past 2 years can produce ± 70 sacks x Rp. 1.000, - = Rp. 70.000, -
3. Profit
1. Login: Rp.1.800.000 + USD. 2,327,500 + USD. == 70 000 USD. 4,197,500, -
2. Exit: Rp.1.450.000 Rp.500.000 + Rp.200.000 + + == 100,000 USD. 2.250.000
3. Gain over 2 years: USD. 4,197,500, - minus USD. == 2.25 million USD. 1,947,500, - or USD. 81 145, - per month.
Brochures Goat, Animal Husbandry Department, Government of DKI Jakarta, Central Jakarta (in 1997).
Animal Husbandry Department, Government of DKI Jakarta, Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 11 Central Jakarta, Tel. (021) 626 7276, 639 3771 or 600 7252 Pes. 202 Jakarta.
Minggu, 21 November 2010
budidaya ternak kambing fersi 2
Budidaya ternak kambing
4 Votes
Berikut ini adalah serba-serbi budidaya ternak kambing dimulai dengan sejarah singkat ternak kambing, sentra budidaya ternak kambing, jenis-jenis ternak kambing, manfaat ternak kambing, persyaratan lokasi budidaya ternak kambing, pedoman teknis budidaya ternak kambing, hama dan penyakit ternak kambing dan lain-lain.-
Ternak kambing produksi optimal - BAHAN
Kambing, pakan, peralatan konstruksi kandang, lahan - ALAT
Tempat pakan/minum - PEDOMAN TEKNIS
- Jenis kambing asli di Indonesia adalah kambing kacang dan kambing peranakan etawa (PE)
- Memilih bibit
Pemilihan bibit diperlukan untuk menghasilkan keturunan yang lebih baik. Pemilihan calon bibit dianjurkan di daerah setempat, bebas dari penyakit dengan phenotype baik.- Calon induk
Umur berkisar antara > 12 bulan, (2 buah gigi seri tetap), tingkat kesuburan reproduksi sedang, sifat keindukan baik, tubuh tidak cacat, berasal dari keturunan kembar (kembar dua), jumlah puting dua buah dan berat badan > 20 kg. - Calon pejantan
Pejantan mempunyai penampilan bagus dan besar, umur > 1,5 tahun, (gigi seri tetap), keturunan kembar, mempunyai nafsu kawin besar, sehat dan tidak cacat.
- Calon induk
- Pakan
- Ternak kambing menyukai macam-macam daun-daunan sebagai pakan dasar dan pakan tambahan (konsentrat).
- Pakan tambahan dapat disusun dari (bungkil kalapa, bungkil kedelai), dedak, tepung ikan ditambah mineral dan vitamin.
- Pakan dasar umumnya adalah rumput kayangan, daun lamtoro, gamal, daun nangka, dsb.
- Pemberian hijauan sebaiknya mencapai 3 % berat badan (dasar bahan kering) atau 10 – 15 % berat badan (dasar bahan segar)
- Pemberian pakan induk
Selain campuran hijauan, pakan tambahan perlu diberikan saat bunting tua dan baru melahirkan, sekitar 1 1/2 % berat badan dengan kandungan protein 16 %. - Kandang
Pada prinsipnya bentuk, bahan dan konstruksi kandang kambing berukuran 1 1/2 m² untuk induk secara individu. Pejantan dipisahkan dengan ukuran kandang 2 m², sedang anak lepas sapih disatukan (umur 3 bulan) dengan ukuran 1 m/ekor. tinggi penyekat 1 1/2 – 2 X tinggi ternak. - Pencegahan penyakit : sebelum ternak dikandangkan, kambing harus dibebaskan dari parasit internal dengan pemberian obat cacing, dan parasit eksternal dengan dimandikan.
Departemen Pertanian, http://www.deptan.go.id. - KONTAK HUBUNGAN
Departemen Pertanian RI, Jalan Harsono RM No. 3, Ragunan – Pasar Minggu, Jakarta 12550 – Indonesia
Ternak kambing sudah lama diusahakan oleh petani atau masyarakat sebagai usaha sampingan atau tabungan karena pemeliharaan dan pemasaran hasil produksi (baik daging, susu, kotoran maupun kulitnya) relatif mudah. Meskipun secara tradisional telah memberikan hasil yang lumayan, jika pemeliharaannya ditingkatkan (menjadi semi intensif atau intensif), pertambahan berat badannya dapat mencapai 50 – 150 gram per hari. Ada tiga hal pokok yang harus diperhatikan dalam usaha ternak kambing, yaitu: bibit, makanan, dan tata laksana. - BIBIT
Pemilihan bibit harus disesuaikan dengan tujuan dari usaha, apakah untuk pedaging, atau perah (misalnya: kambing kacang untuk produksi daging, kambing etawah untuk produksi susu, dll). Secara umum ciri bibit yang baik adalah yang berbadan sehat, tidak cacat, bulu bersih dan mengkilat, daya adaptasi tinggi terhadap lingkungan.- Ciri untuk calon induk:
- Tubuh kompak, dada dalam dan lebar, garis punggung dan pinggang lurus, tubuh besar, tapi tidak terlalu gemuk.
- Jinak dan sorot matanya ramah.
- Kaki lurus dan tumit tinggi.
- Gigi lengkap, mampu merumput dengan baik (efisien), rahang atas dan bawah rata.
- Dari keturunan kembar atau dilahirkan tunggal tapi dari induk yang muda.
- Ambing simetris, tidak menggantung dan berputing 2 buah.
- Ciri untuk calon pejantan :
- Tubuh besar dan panjang dengan bagian belakang lebih besar dan lebih tinggi, dada lebar, tidak terlalu gemuk, gagah, aktif dan memiliki libido (nafsu kawin) tinggi.
- Kaki lurus dan kuat.
- Dari keturunan kembar.
- Umur antara 1,5 sampai 3 tahun.
- Ciri untuk calon induk:
Jenis dan cara pemberiannya disesuaikan dengan umur dan kondisi ternak. Pakan yang diberikan harus cukup protein, karbohidrat, vitamin dan mineral, mudah dicerna, tidak beracun dan disukai ternak, murah dan mudah diperoleh. Pada dasarnya ada dua macam makanan, yaitu hijauan (berbagai jenis rumput) dan makan tambahan (berasal dari kacang-kacangan, tepung ikan, bungkil kelapa, vitamin dan mineral).
Cara pemberiannya :- Diberikan 2 kali sehari (pagi dan sore), berat rumput 10% dari berat badan kambing, berikan juga air minum 1,5 – 2,5 liter per ekor per hari, dan garam berjodium secukupnya.
- Untuk kambing bunting, induk menyusui, kambing perah dan pejantan yang sering dikawinkan perlu ditambahkan makanan penguat dalam bentuk bubur sebanyak 0,5 – 1 kg/ekor/hari.
- Kandang
Harus segar (ventilasi baik, cukup cahaya matahari, bersih, dan minimal berjarak 5 meter dari rumah).
Ukuran kandang yang biasa digunakan adalah :
Kandang beranak : 120 cm x 120 cm /ekor
Kandang induk : 100 cm x 125 cm /ekor
Kandang anak : 100 cm x 125 cm /ekor
Kandang pejantan : 110 cm x 125 cm /ekor
Kandang dara/dewasa : 100 cm x 125 cm /ekor - Pengelolaan reproduksi
Diusahakan agar kambing bisa beranak minimal 3 kali dalam dua tahun.
Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan adalah :- Kambing mencapai dewasa kelamin pada umur 6 s/d 10 bulan, dan sebaiknya dikawinkan pada umur 10-12 bulan atau saat bobot badan
mencapai 55 – 60 kg. - Lama birahi 24 – 45 jam, siklus birahi berselang selama 17 – 21 hari.
- Tanda-tanda birahi : gelisah, nafsu makan dan minum menurun, ekor sering dikibaskan, sering kencing, kemaluan bengkak dan mau/diam bila
dinaiki. - Ratio jantan dan betina = 1 : 10
Saat yang tepat untuk mengawinkan kambing adalah :- Masa bunting 144 – 156 hari (…. 5 bulan).
- Masa melahirkan, penyapihan dan istirahat ± 2 bulan.
- Kambing mencapai dewasa kelamin pada umur 6 s/d 10 bulan, dan sebaiknya dikawinkan pada umur 10-12 bulan atau saat bobot badan
- Pengendalian Penyakit
- Hendaknya ditekankan pada pencegahan penyakit melalui sanitasi kandang yang baik, makanan yang cukup gizi dan vaksinasi.
- Penyakit yang sering menyerang kambing adalah: cacingan, kudis (scabies), kembung perut (bloat), paru-paru (pneumonia), orf, dan koksidiosis.
- Pasca Panen
- Hendaknya diusahakan untuk selalu meningkatkan nilai tambah dari produksi ternak, baik daging, susu, kulit, tanduk, maupun kotorannya. Bila kambing hendak dijual pada saat berat badan tidak bertambah lagi (umur sekitar 1 – 1,5 tahun), dan diusahakan agar permintaan akan kambing cukup tinggi.
- Harga diperkirakan berdasarkan : berat hidup x (45 sampai 50%) karkas x harga daging eceran.
- Kandang
- Pengeluaran
- Bibit
- Bibit 1 ekor pejantan = 1 x Rp. 250.000,- Rp. 250.000,-
- Bibit 6 ekor betina = 1 x Rp. 200.000,- Rp. 1.200.000,-
Total Rp. 1.450.000,-
- Kandang Rp. 500.000,-
- Makanan Rp. 200.000,-
- Obat-obatan Rp. 100.000,-
Total Pengeluaran Rp. 2.250.000,-
- Bibit
- Pemasukan
- Dari anaknya
Jika setelah 1 tahun, ke 6 produk menghasilkan 2 ekor, jumlah kambing yang bisa dijual setelah 1 tahun = 12 ekor. Jika harga tiap ekor Rp. 150.000,- maka dari 12 ekor tersebut akan dihasilkan : 12 x Rp. 150.000,- = Rp. 1.800.000,- - Dari induk
Pertambahan berat induk 50 gram per ekor per hari, maka setelah 2 tahun akan dihasilkan pertambahan berat : 7 x 50 gr x 365 = 127,75 kg. Total daging yang dapat dijual (7 x 15 kg) + 127,75 kg = 232,75 kg. Pendapatan dari penjualan daging = 232,75 kg x Rp. 10.000,-=Rp.2.327.500,- - Dari kotoran :
Selama 2 tahun bisa menghasilkan ± 70 karung x Rp. 1.000,- = Rp. 70.000,-
- Dari anaknya
- Keuntungan
- Masuk:Rp.1.800.000+Rp. 2.327.500+Rp. 70.000 == Rp. 4.197.500,-
- Keluar:Rp.1.450.000+Rp.500.000+Rp.200.000+Rp.100.000 == Rp. 2.250.000
- Keuntungan selama 2 th: Rp. 4.197.500,- dikurang Rp. 2.250.000 == Rp. 1.947.500,- atau Rp. 81.145,- per bulan.
- Pengeluaran
Brosur Ternak Kambing, Dinas Peternakan, Pemerintah DKI Jakarta, Jakarta Pusat (tahun 1997). - KONTAK HUBUNGAN
Dinas Peternakan, Pemerintah DKI Jakarta, Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 11 Jakarta Pusat, Tel. (021) 626 7276, 639 3771 atau 600 7252 Pes. 202 Jakarta.
Friday, January 23, 2009 at 19:09 |
(Livestock goat optimal production
Goats, feed, cage construction equipment, land
Place food / drink
Types of native goats in Indonesia are the nuts and goat breed goats etawa (PE)
Choosing bibitPemilihan seeds needed to produce better offspring. The selection of candidates recommended seed in the local area, free of disease with good phenotype .)...
12 bulan, (2 buah gigi seri tetap), tingkat kesuburan reproduksi sedang, sifat keindukan baik, tubuh tidak cacat, berasal dari keturunan kembar (kembar dua), jumlah puting dua buah dan berat badan > 20 kg." onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#ebeff9'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#fff'">Candidate indukUmur ranged from> 12 months, (2 pieces incisors fixed), the fertility rate of reproduction is, the nature of good keindukan, the body is not disabled, originating from twin offspring (twins), the number of nipples and two body weight> 20 kg.
1,5 tahun, (gigi seri tetap), keturunan kembar, mempunyai nafsu kawin besar, sehat dan tidak cacat." onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#ebeff9'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#fff'">Candidate pejantanPejantan have good appearance and large, age> 1.5 years, (permanent incisors), a descendant of twins, has a huge appetite married, healthy and not disabled.
Goat likes all kinds of leaves as basic feed and feed supplement (concentrate).
Additional food can be prepared from (Kalapa meal, soybean meal), rice bran, fish meal plus minerals and vitamins.
Basic feed generally is grass heaven, leaves lamtoro, Gliricidia, jackfruit leaves, etc..
Giving forage should reach 3% body weight (dry matter basis) or 10 - 15% weight loss (basic fresh material)
IndukSelain feeding forage mixture, additional food should be given while pregnant and gave birth to old and new, about 1 1 / 2% body weight with protein content of 16%.
KandangPada principle, shapes, materials and construction goat cage measuring 1 1 / 2 m² for an individual parent. Males separated by size cage 2 m², being put together weaning off boy (age 3 months) with a size of 1 m / tail. high sealing 1 1 / 2 - 2 x high livestock.
Prevention of disease: before the animal cages, goats must be free from internal parasites with drug delivery worms and external parasites with a bath.
Goats have long cultivated by the farmer or society as a sideline or savings because maintenance and marketing of the products (both meat, milk, manure and skins) is relatively easy. Although traditionally have provided good results, if the maintenance is improved (a semi-intensive or intensive), weight gain can reach 50-150 grams per day. There are three main things that must be considered in the goat business, namely: seeds, food, and governance.
Selection of seedlings should be adjusted with the objective of the business, whether for meat, or dairy (eg nut for the production of meat goats, goat etawah for milk production, etc.). In general characteristics of good seed is the able-bodied, no defects, clean and shiny hair, high adaptability to the environment.
Characteristics for prospective parent:
Compact body, deep and wide chest, back and waist straight lines, great body, but not too fat.
Tame and friendly eyes.
Straight legs and high heels.
Complete teeth, able to graze with the good (efficient), upper jaw and below the average.
Of the offspring born twin or single but from a young parent.
Udder symmetry, do not hang and berputing 2 pieces.
Traits for male candidates:
Great body and length with the back of the larger and taller, broad chest, not too fat, stout, active and has the libido (lust marriage) high.
Legs straight and strong.
From the offspring of twins.
Age between 1.5 to 3 years.
The type and manner of administration adapted to the age and condition of livestock. Food that is given should be sufficient protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, easily digestible, not toxic and preferred stock, inexpensive and easily obtained. There are basically two kinds of food, namely forage (various kinds of grass) and an additional meal (derived from nuts, fish meal, coconut meal, vitamins and minerals). Mode of administration:
Given 2 times a day (morning and afternoon), heavy grass 10% of body weight of goats, also provide drinking water from 1.5 to 2.5 liters per head per day, and salt to taste berjodium.
For goats pregnant, lactating mother, dairy goats and bulls are often mated to be added food reinforcement in the form of porridge as much as 0.5 to 1 kg / head / day.
Must be fresh (good ventilation, enough sunlight, clean, and a minimum distance of 5 meters from the house). Size cages used are: Cage lambing: 120 cm x 120 cm / ekorKandang parent: 100 cm x 125 cm / ekorKandang children: 100 cm x 125 cm / ekorKandang male: 110 cm x 125 cm / ekorKandang virgin / adult: 100 cm x 125 cm / tail
Management reproduksiDiusahakan goat can give birth to at least 3 times in a two-tahun.Hal things to note are:
Goats reach sexual maturity at age 6 to 10 months, and should be given in marriage at age 10-12 months or when badanmencapai weight 55-60 kg.
Old estrus 24-45 hours, intermittent estrus cycle for 17-21 days.
Estrus signs: restlessness, decreased appetite and drinking, the tail is often shaken, frequent urination, swollen genitals and want / silent biladinaiki.
Ratio of male and female = 1: 10Saat the right to marry the goat are:
Period pregnant 144-156 days (.... 5 months).
The period of birth, weaning and ± 2-month break.
Disease Control
It should be emphasized on disease prevention through good sanitation cage, food, adequate nutrition and vaccination.
Disease that often attacks the goat are: intestinal worms, scabies (scabies), abdominal bloating (Bloat), lungs (pneumonia), orf, and koksidiosis.
Should be cultivated to increase the added value of livestock production, either meat, milk, leather, horn, or droppings. When the goat about to be sold at the time did not increase body weight (age about 1 - 1.5 years), and labored to a high enough demand for goats.
The price is estimated by: x live weight (45 to 50%) x carcass retail beef prices.
Seeds 1 tail male = 1 x Rp. 250.000, - USD. 250.000, -
Seeds 6 females = 1 x Rp. 200.000, - USD. 1.200.000,-Total Rp. 1.45 million, -
Cage USD. 500.000, -
Food Rp. 200.000, -
Drugs USD. 100,000,-Total Expenditure USD. 2.25 million, -
From anaknyaJika after 1 year, to 6 products produced 2 tails, the number of goats that can be sold after 1 year = 12 tail. If the price of each tail USD. 150.000, - then from 12 tails will be generated: 12 x Rp. 150.000, - = Rp. 1.800.000, -
From indukPertambahan body weight of 50 grams per cow per day, then after 2 years will be produced weight: 7 x 50 gr x 365 = 127.75 kg. Total meat that can be sold (7 x 15 kg) + 127.75 kg = 232.75 kg. Revenue from the sale of meat = 232.75 kg x Rp. 10,000, -= Rp.2.327.500, -
From dirt: During the 2 years can produce ± 70 sacks x Rp. 1.000, - = Rp. 70.000, -
Login: Rp.1.800.000 + USD. 2,327,500 + USD. == 70 000 USD. 4,197,500, -
Exit: Rp.1.450.000 Rp.500.000 + Rp.200.000 + + == 100,0
Friday, January 23, 2009 at 19:09 |
(Livestock goat optimal production
Goats, feed, cage construction equipment, land
Place food / drink
Types of native goats in Indonesia are the nuts and goat breed goats etawa (PE)
Choosing bibitPemilihan seeds needed to produce better offspring. The selection of candidates recommended seed in the local area, free of disease with good phenotype .)...
12 bulan, (2 buah gigi seri tetap), tingkat kesuburan reproduksi sedang, sifat keindukan baik, tubuh tidak cacat, berasal dari keturunan kembar (kembar dua), jumlah puting dua buah dan berat badan > 20 kg." onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#ebeff9'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#fff'">Candidate indukUmur ranged from> 12 months, (2 pieces incisors fixed), the fertility rate of reproduction is, the nature of good keindukan, the body is not disabled, originating from twin offspring (twins), the number of nipples and two body weight> 20 kg.
1,5 tahun, (gigi seri tetap), keturunan kembar, mempunyai nafsu kawin besar, sehat dan tidak cacat." onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#ebeff9'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#fff'">Candidate pejantanPejantan have good appearance and large, age> 1.5 years, (permanent incisors), a descendant of twins, has a huge appetite married, healthy and not disabled.
Goat likes all kinds of leaves as basic feed and feed supplement (concentrate).
Additional food can be prepared from (Kalapa meal, soybean meal), rice bran, fish meal plus minerals and vitamins.
Basic feed generally is grass heaven, leaves lamtoro, Gliricidia, jackfruit leaves, etc..
Giving forage should reach 3% body weight (dry matter basis) or 10 - 15% weight loss (basic fresh material)
IndukSelain feeding forage mixture, additional food should be given while pregnant and gave birth to old and new, about 1 1 / 2% body weight with protein content of 16%.
KandangPada principle, shapes, materials and construction goat cage measuring 1 1 / 2 m² for an individual parent. Males separated by size cage 2 m², being put together weaning off boy (age 3 months) with a size of 1 m / tail. high sealing 1 1 / 2 - 2 x high livestock.
Prevention of disease: before the animal cages, goats must be free from internal parasites with drug delivery worms and external parasites with a bath.
Goats have long cultivated by the farmer or society as a sideline or savings because maintenance and marketing of the products (both meat, milk, manure and skins) is relatively easy. Although traditionally have provided good results, if the maintenance is improved (a semi-intensive or intensive), weight gain can reach 50-150 grams per day. There are three main things that must be considered in the goat business, namely: seeds, food, and governance.
Selection of seedlings should be adjusted with the objective of the business, whether for meat, or dairy (eg nut for the production of meat goats, goat etawah for milk production, etc.). In general characteristics of good seed is the able-bodied, no defects, clean and shiny hair, high adaptability to the environment.
Characteristics for prospective parent:
Compact body, deep and wide chest, back and waist straight lines, great body, but not too fat.
Tame and friendly eyes.
Straight legs and high heels.
Complete teeth, able to graze with the good (efficient), upper jaw and below the average.
Of the offspring born twin or single but from a young parent.
Udder symmetry, do not hang and berputing 2 pieces.
Traits for male candidates:
Great body and length with the back of the larger and taller, broad chest, not too fat, stout, active and has the libido (lust marriage) high.
Legs straight and strong.
From the offspring of twins.
Age between 1.5 to 3 years.
The type and manner of administration adapted to the age and condition of livestock. Food that is given should be sufficient protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, easily digestible, not toxic and preferred stock, inexpensive and easily obtained. There are basically two kinds of food, namely forage (various kinds of grass) and an additional meal (derived from nuts, fish meal, coconut meal, vitamins and minerals). Mode of administration:
Given 2 times a day (morning and afternoon), heavy grass 10% of body weight of goats, also provide drinking water from 1.5 to 2.5 liters per head per day, and salt to taste berjodium.
For goats pregnant, lactating mother, dairy goats and bulls are often mated to be added food reinforcement in the form of porridge as much as 0.5 to 1 kg / head / day.
Must be fresh (good ventilation, enough sunlight, clean, and a minimum distance of 5 meters from the house). Size cages used are: Cage lambing: 120 cm x 120 cm / ekorKandang parent: 100 cm x 125 cm / ekorKandang children: 100 cm x 125 cm / ekorKandang male: 110 cm x 125 cm / ekorKandang virgin / adult: 100 cm x 125 cm / tail
Management reproduksiDiusahakan goat can give birth to at least 3 times in a two-tahun.Hal things to note are:
Goats reach sexual maturity at age 6 to 10 months, and should be given in marriage at age 10-12 months or when badanmencapai weight 55-60 kg.
Old estrus 24-45 hours, intermittent estrus cycle for 17-21 days.
Estrus signs: restlessness, decreased appetite and drinking, the tail is often shaken, frequent urination, swollen genitals and want / silent biladinaiki.
Ratio of male and female = 1: 10Saat the right to marry the goat are:
Period pregnant 144-156 days (.... 5 months).
The period of birth, weaning and ± 2-month break.
Disease Control
It should be emphasized on disease prevention through good sanitation cage, food, adequate nutrition and vaccination.
Disease that often attacks the goat are: intestinal worms, scabies (scabies), abdominal bloating (Bloat), lungs (pneumonia), orf, and koksidiosis.
Should be cultivated to increase the added value of livestock production, either meat, milk, leather, horn, or droppings. When the goat about to be sold at the time did not increase body weight (age about 1 - 1.5 years), and labored to a high enough demand for goats.
The price is estimated by: x live weight (45 to 50%) x carcass retail beef prices.
Seeds 1 tail male = 1 x Rp. 250.000, - USD. 250.000, -
Seeds 6 females = 1 x Rp. 200.000, - USD. 1.200.000,-Total Rp. 1.45 million, -
Cage USD. 500.000, -
Food Rp. 200.000, -
Drugs USD. 100,000,-Total Expenditure USD. 2.25 million, -
From anaknyaJika after 1 year, to 6 products produced 2 tails, the number of goats that can be sold after 1 year = 12 tail. If the price of each tail USD. 150.000, - then from 12 tails will be generated: 12 x Rp. 150.000, - = Rp. 1.800.000, -
From indukPertambahan body weight of 50 grams per cow per day, then after 2 years will be produced weight: 7 x 50 gr x 365 = 127.75 kg. Total meat that can be sold (7 x 15 kg) + 127.75 kg = 232.75 kg. Revenue from the sale of meat = 232.75 kg x Rp. 10,000, -= Rp.2.327.500, -
From dirt: During the 2 years can produce ± 70 sacks x Rp. 1.000, - = Rp. 70.000, -
Login: Rp.1.800.000 + USD. 2,327,500 + USD. == 70 000 USD. 4,197,500, -
Exit: Rp.1.450.000 Rp.500.000 + Rp.200.000 + + == 100,0
budidaya ternak kambing
Jumat, 23 Januari 2009 di 19.09 | KELUARAN (Ternak kambing produksi optimal BAHAN Kambing, pakan, peralatan konstruksi kandang, lahan ALAT Tempat pakan/minum PEDOMAN TEKNIS Jenis kambing asli di Indonesia adalah kambing kacang dan kambing peranakan etawa (PE) Memilih bibitPemilihan bibit diperlukan untuk menghasilkan keturunan yang lebih baik. Pemilihan calon bibit dianjurkan di daerah setempat, bebas dari penyakit dengan phenotype baik.) Calon indukUmur berkisar antara > 12 bulan, (2 buah gigi seri tetap), tingkat kesuburan reproduksi sedang, sifat keindukan baik, tubuh tidak cacat, berasal dari keturunan kembar (kembar dua), jumlah puting dua buah dan berat badan > 20 kg. Calon pejantanPejantan mempunyai penampilan bagus dan besar, umur > 1,5 tahun, (gigi seri tetap), keturunan kembar, mempunyai nafsu kawin besar, sehat dan tidak cacat. Pakan Ternak kambing menyukai macam-macam daun-daunan sebagai pakan dasar dan pakan tambahan (konsentrat). Pakan tambahan dapat disusun dari (bungkil kalapa, bungkil kedelai), dedak, tepung ikan ditambah mineral dan vitamin. Pakan dasar umumnya adalah rumput kayangan, daun lamtoro, gamal, daun nangka, dsb. Pemberian hijauan sebaiknya mencapai 3 % berat badan (dasar bahan kering) atau 10 - 15 % berat badan (dasar bahan segar) Pemberian pakan indukSelain campuran hijauan, pakan tambahan perlu diberikan saat bunting tua dan baru melahirkan, sekitar 1 1/2 % berat badan dengan kandungan protein 16 %. KandangPada prinsipnya bentuk, bahan dan konstruksi kandang kambing berukuran 1 1/2 m² untuk induk secara individu. Pejantan dipisahkan dengan ukuran kandang 2 m², sedang anak lepas sapih disatukan (umur 3 bulan) dengan ukuran 1 m/ekor. tinggi penyekat 1 1/2 - 2 X tinggi ternak. Pencegahan penyakit : sebelum ternak dikandangkan, kambing harus dibebaskan dari parasit internal dengan pemberian obat cacing, dan parasit eksternal dengan dimandikan. PENDAHULUAN Ternak kambing sudah lama diusahakan oleh petani atau masyarakat sebagai usaha sampingan atau tabungan karena pemeliharaan dan pemasaran hasil produksi (baik daging, susu, kotoran maupun kulitnya) relatif mudah. Meskipun secara tradisional telah memberikan hasil yang lumayan, jika pemeliharaannya ditingkatkan (menjadi semi intensif atau intensif), pertambahan berat badannya dapat mencapai 50 - 150 gram per hari. Ada tiga hal pokok yang harus diperhatikan dalam usaha ternak kambing, yaitu: bibit, makanan, dan tata laksana. BIBIT Pemilihan bibit harus disesuaikan dengan tujuan dari usaha, apakah untuk pedaging, atau perah (misalnya: kambing kacang untuk produksi daging, kambing etawah untuk produksi susu, dll). Secara umum ciri bibit yang baik adalah yang berbadan sehat, tidak cacat, bulu bersih dan mengkilat, daya adaptasi tinggi terhadap lingkungan. Ciri untuk calon induk: Tubuh kompak, dada dalam dan lebar, garis punggung dan pinggang lurus, tubuh besar, tapi tidak terlalu gemuk. Jinak dan sorot matanya ramah. Kaki lurus dan tumit tinggi. Gigi lengkap, mampu merumput dengan baik (efisien), rahang atas dan bawah rata. Dari keturunan kembar atau dilahirkan tunggal tapi dari induk yang muda. Ambing simetris, tidak menggantung dan berputing 2 buah. Ciri untuk calon pejantan : Tubuh besar dan panjang dengan bagian belakang lebih besar dan lebih tinggi, dada lebar, tidak terlalu gemuk, gagah, aktif dan memiliki libido (nafsu kawin) tinggi. Kaki lurus dan kuat. Dari keturunan kembar. Umur antara 1,5 sampai 3 tahun. MAKANAN Jenis dan cara pemberiannya disesuaikan dengan umur dan kondisi ternak. Pakan yang diberikan harus cukup protein, karbohidrat, vitamin dan mineral, mudah dicerna, tidak beracun dan disukai ternak, murah dan mudah diperoleh. Pada dasarnya ada dua macam makanan, yaitu hijauan (berbagai jenis rumput) dan makan tambahan (berasal dari kacang-kacangan, tepung ikan, bungkil kelapa, vitamin dan mineral).Cara pemberiannya : Diberikan 2 kali sehari (pagi dan sore), berat rumput 10% dari berat badan kambing, berikan juga air minum 1,5 - 2,5 liter per ekor per hari, dan garam berjodium secukupnya. Untuk kambing bunting, induk menyusui, kambing perah dan pejantan yang sering dikawinkan perlu ditambahkan makanan penguat dalam bentuk bubur sebanyak 0,5 - 1 kg/ekor/hari. TATA LAKSANA Kandang Harus segar (ventilasi baik, cukup cahaya matahari, bersih, dan minimal berjarak 5 meter dari rumah).Ukuran kandang yang biasa digunakan adalah :Kandang beranak : 120 cm x 120 cm /ekorKandang induk : 100 cm x 125 cm /ekorKandang anak : 100 cm x 125 cm /ekorKandang pejantan : 110 cm x 125 cm /ekorKandang dara/dewasa : 100 cm x 125 cm /ekor Pengelolaan reproduksiDiusahakan agar kambing bisa beranak minimal 3 kali dalam dua tahun.Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan adalah : Kambing mencapai dewasa kelamin pada umur 6 s/d 10 bulan, dan sebaiknya dikawinkan pada umur 10-12 bulan atau saat bobot badanmencapai 55 - 60 kg. Lama birahi 24 - 45 jam, siklus birahi berselang selama 17 - 21 hari. Tanda-tanda birahi : gelisah, nafsu makan dan minum menurun, ekor sering dikibaskan, sering kencing, kemaluan bengkak dan mau/diam biladinaiki. Ratio jantan dan betina = 1 : 10Saat yang tepat untuk mengawinkan kambing adalah : Masa bunting 144 - 156 hari (.... 5 bulan). Masa melahirkan, penyapihan dan istirahat ± 2 bulan. Pengendalian Penyakit Hendaknya ditekankan pada pencegahan penyakit melalui sanitasi kandang yang baik, makanan yang cukup gizi dan vaksinasi. Penyakit yang sering menyerang kambing adalah: cacingan, kudis (scabies), kembung perut (bloat), paru-paru (pneumonia), orf, dan koksidiosis. Pasca Panen Hendaknya diusahakan untuk selalu meningkatkan nilai tambah dari produksi ternak, baik daging, susu, kulit, tanduk, maupun kotorannya. Bila kambing hendak dijual pada saat berat badan tidak bertambah lagi (umur sekitar 1 - 1,5 tahun), dan diusahakan agar permintaan akan kambing cukup tinggi. Harga diperkirakan berdasarkan : berat hidup x (45 sampai 50%) karkas x harga daging eceran. CONTOH ANALISA USAHA TERNAK KAMBING Pengeluaran Bibit Bibit 1 ekor pejantan = 1 x Rp. 250.000,- Rp. 250.000,- Bibit 6 ekor betina = 1 x Rp. 200.000,- Rp. 1.200.000,-Total Rp. 1.450.000,- Kandang Rp. 500.000,- Makanan Rp. 200.000,- Obat-obatan Rp. 100.000,-Total Pengeluaran Rp. 2.250.000,- Pemasukan Dari anaknyaJika setelah 1 tahun, ke 6 produk menghasilkan 2 ekor, jumlah kambing yang bisa dijual setelah 1 tahun = 12 ekor. Jika harga tiap ekor Rp. 150.000,- maka dari 12 ekor tersebut akan dihasilkan : 12 x Rp. 150.000,- = Rp. 1.800.000,- Dari indukPertambahan berat induk 50 gram per ekor per hari, maka setelah 2 tahun akan dihasilkan pertambahan berat : 7 x 50 gr x 365 = 127,75 kg. Total daging yang dapat dijual (7 x 15 kg) + 127,75 kg = 232,75 kg. Pendapatan dari penjualan daging = 232,75 kg x Rp. 10.000,-=Rp.2.327.500,- Dari kotoran :Selama 2 tahun bisa menghasilkan ± 70 karung x Rp. 1.000,- = Rp. 70.000,- Keuntungan Masuk:Rp.1.800.000+Rp. 2.327.500+Rp. 70.000 == Rp. 4.197.500,- Keluar:Rp.1.450.000+Rp.500.000+Rp.200.000+Rp.100.000 == Rp. 2.250.000 Keuntungan selama 2 th: Rp. 4.197.500,- dikurang Rp. 2.250.000 == Rp. 1.947.500,- atau Rp. 81.145,- per bulan. SUMBERBrosur Ternak Kambing, Dinas Peternakan, Pemerintah DKI Jakarta, Jakarta Pusat (tahun 1997). KONTAK HUBUNGANDinas Peternakan, Pemerintah DKI Jakarta, Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 11 Jakarta Pusat, Tel. (021) 626 7276, 639 3771 atau 600 7252 Pes. 202 Jakarta. |
(Anas spp.)
Ducks also known as Duck (bhs.Jawa). Ancestors came from North America is a wild duck (Anas moscha) or Wild mallard. Continuous domesticated by humans to be the preserved duck now called Anas domesticus (duck).
Internationally duck concentrated in countries in North America, South America, Asia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Britain, France (countries that have tropical and subtropical season). While in Indonesia are concentrated in regions of duck Java (Tegal, Brebes and Mojosari), Kalimantan (Alabio District, District Amuntai) and Bali and Lombok.
Classification (classification) of ducks, according to its type are grouped into 3 (three) categories, namely:
Duck like the Indian Runner, Khaki Campbell, Buff (Buff Orpington) and CV 2000-INA;
Such as Peking duck meat, Rouen, Aylesbury, Muscovy, Cayuga;
Ornamental duck (duck pet / hobby), such as East India, Call (Grey Call), Mandariun, Blue Swedish, Crested, Wood.
Type seeds are bred, especially in Indonesia is kind of like duck duck dry, khaki Campbell ducks, Alabio, duck mojosari, bali duck, duck CV 2000-INA and ducks that are laying another superior product of CPM (Central Research Livestock) Ciawi, Bogor.
For independent populist economic enterprises.
To obtain the consumption of duck eggs, meat, and livestock breeding ducks.
Manure as fertilizer can crop / crops.
As the days activities filler retirement.
To achieve the nation through the provision of public nutrition.
Regarding the location of the cage to be considered are: location location location far from the hustle / residential population, have transportation, easily accessible location from the location of marketing and environmental conditions of the cage has a favorable climate for livestock production or productivity. Ducks and site conditions are not prone to evictions in some production periods.
Before a farmer starting his business, must prepare themselves, especially in terms of raising the understanding of pancausaha namely (1). Perkandangan, (2). Superior, (3). Livestock Feed, (4). Procedure and (5). Marketing of Livestock.
6.1. Preparation Facility and Equipment
Terms of temperature ± 39 ° C cage.
Humidity ranges between 60-65% cage
Lighting provided to facilitate the setting cage cage cage for governance in accordance with the functions of the parts of the cage
Model cage there are 3 (three) types:
cage to duckling (DOD) oada stater period can be called also the stable box, with a size of 1 m2 to accommodate 50 fish DOD
Brower cage (for ducks juvenile) is called the stable model Ren / cage tail group with the size of 16-100 per group
screen cage (for ducks during nesting) model can be a cage batteries (one or two tails in one box) can also form the cage location (group) with the size of each square meter of 4-5 adult ducks (egg-laying period or for 30 adult ducks with cage size 3 x 2 meters).
The condition of the cage and equipment
The condition of the cage does not need an expensive material but is quite simple origin durable (strong). For equipment in the form of places to eat, where to drink and perhaps other additional perelengkapan positive intent in the management
6.2. Nurseries
Livestock reared ducks have to be really a superior cattle that have tested its superiority in producing livestock products is expected.
The selection of seed and broodstock
The selection of seeds there are 3 (three) ways to obtain a good seed ducks are as follows:
buying duck eggs from the parent that is guaranteed superiority
maintain the parent is male + female duck duck eggs excel to get stuck and then put it on, chicken or hatching machine
buy DOD (Day Old Duck) from the nurseries that have been known for its quality and who have received recommendation from the local farms good setempat.Ciri DOD is not disabled (no pain) with shiny yellow coat color.
Treatment of seed and broodstock
Seed Treatment
Seeds (DOD) who had just arrived from the nursery, should be handled technically wrong to not care. As for handling as follows: seedlings received and placed on the cage brooder (sires) which has been prepared in advance. And the things that need to be considered is the temperature in the brooder brooder cultivated a duckling evenly distributed, brooder cage capacity (box) for 1 m2 to accommodate 50 fish DOD, where food and drinking places in accordance with the provisions of the type of feed ducks and stater phase drink should be increased vitamin / mineral.
Nursing candidates Parent
Prospective parent ducks there are two kinds of parent to parent egg production and consumption for the production of eggs. Treatment of both the same, the difference is only on the parent for the production of hatching eggs must be male by a ratio of 1 male to 5-6 females.
Reproduction and Marriage
Reproduction or breeding is intended to get the egg hatchability of fertile / well-fertilized by the male duck. While there are two known mating system
kinds of ducks hand mating / feeding ducks made by man and nature mating (mating ducks naturally).
6.3. Maintenance
Sanitation and Preventive Action
Sanitation cage is absolutely necessary in the maintenance of duck and preventive measures (prevention of disease) need to be considered early warning of disease.
Controller Disease
Made at any time and carefully and thoroughly. Disabled and seriously handle when there are signs of poor health on the duck.
Feeding ducks in three phases, namely phase stater (age 0-8 weeks), grower phase (age 8-18 weeks) and phase-screen (age 18-27 weeks). Feed the three phases in the form of feed so from the factory (in practical) with the code of each phase.
How to give the feed is divided into four groups:
0-16 days of age is given in place of flat feed (tray feeder)
age of 16-21 days given with tray feeder and distribution floor
aged 21 days to 18 weeks spread the floor.
age 18 weeks-72 weeks, there are two ways the first 7 days in a feed transition with respect to the beginning of spawn production until production reached 5%. After that, duck feeding ad libitum (continuous). In the case of duck feed ad libitum, to save on feed costs both the usual place of his own rations diranum from ingredients such as corn, bran, fish meal, bone flour, meal feed supplements.
Giving probiotics MigroSUPLEMEN on young ducks mixed in drinking water. The way of administration are as follows:
Age 1-7 days: Use MigroSUPLEMEN is 30ml / hari/1000 tail.
Age 8-14 days: Use MigroSUPLEMEN is 60ml / hari/1000 tail.
Age 15 - 20 days: Use MigroSUPLEMEN is 90ml / hari/1000 tail.
Age 21 and older: Use MigroSUPLEMEN is 100ml / hari/1000 tail. Given only 2 days.
Ducks are already producing eggs, probiotic MigroSUPLEMENdiberikan once every 2 days (morning or afternoon) with a dose of 120ml/2hari sekali/1000 tail. Given in drinking water or mixed in feed.
When is the application of vaccines, probiotics MigroSUPLEMENpada day delivery was suspended, given back the next day.
Giving drinks duck, duck also based on age, namely:
age 0-7 days, for the first 3 days of drinking water plus vitamins and minerals, where such acids for chicks.
age 7-28 days, where the edge of the cage and drinking water provided ad libitum (continuous)
28 days-otherwise disposed of, a place to drink in the form of a rectangular with a size of 2 mx 15 cm and height 10 cm to 200-300 birds. Every day cleaning.
Maintenance Cage
Cages should be kept clean and use for power production is not affected from the existing condition of the cage.
Broadly speaking duck disease are grouped in two things:
diseases caused by microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria and protozoa
disease caused by a deficiency of food and administration of inappropriate perkandangan
The usual type of disease in ducks infected are:
Duck Disease Cholera
Cause: bacteria Pasteurela avicida. Symptoms: diarrhea, paralysis, yellow-green feces. Control: Sanitation cage, treatment with penicillin injection in breast tissue with appropriate doses of the drug's label.
Salmonellosis Disease
Cause: bacteria typhimurium.Gejala: shortness of breath, diarrhea. Control: good sanitation, treatment with furazolidone through the diet at levels of 0.04% or sulfadimidin mixed with drinking water, dose adjusted to the drug's label.
8.1. Main Results
The main result, businesses are laying duck duck eggs
8.2. By-product
The results add a parent rejects, drake as cattle meat and cattle manure as a valuable fertilizer plant
9. Postharvest
Postharvest activities that can be done is preservation. By preserving the economic value of duck egg will be longer than if they were made preservation. Eggs are not given preservation treatment can only hold it for 14 days when stored at room temperature even will soon rot. The pickling treatment comprises 5 types, namely:
Preserving with warm water
Preserving with warm water is the preservation of the simplest of duck eggs. In this way the eggs can survive for 20 days.
Preservation of eggs with guava leaf
Soaking eggs with guava leaves to maintain the quality of eggs for about 1 month. Eggs that have been soaked will change color to brown like eggs evaporation.
Preservation of eggs with coconut oil
Pickling is a preservation of the practical. In this way the egg shell color and taste has not changed.
Preservation of eggs with sodium silicate
Materials preservation of sodium silicate merupkan viscous liquid, colorless, clear, and odorless. Natirum silicate to cover the pores of the shell so that the eggs durable and long lasting up to 1.5 months. That is by soaking the eggs in a solution of sodium silikat10% for a month.
Preservation of eggs with salt
Salt soaked in a solution of common salt (NaCl) with a concentration of 25-40% for 3 weeks.
10.2.Gambaran Agribusiness Opportunities
Eggs and duck meat is a commodity exports that can deliver huge profits. The need for eggs and meat are very large international market and are still not balanced from existing inventory. It can be seen that only two countries Thailand and Malaysia, which became the largest exporting country. Until now, duck farming is still a commodity that promise to be developed intensively.
(Anas spp.)
Ducks also known as Duck (bhs.Jawa). Ancestors came from North America is a wild duck (Anas moscha) or Wild mallard. Continuous domesticated by humans to be the preserved duck now called Anas domesticus (duck).
Internationally duck concentrated in countries in North America, South America, Asia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Britain, France (countries that have tropical and subtropical season). While in Indonesia are concentrated in regions of duck Java (Tegal, Brebes and Mojosari), Kalimantan (Alabio District, District Amuntai) and Bali and Lombok.
Classification (classification) of ducks, according to its type are grouped into 3 (three) categories, namely:
Duck like the Indian Runner, Khaki Campbell, Buff (Buff Orpington) and CV 2000-INA;
Such as Peking duck meat, Rouen, Aylesbury, Muscovy, Cayuga;
Ornamental duck (duck pet / hobby), such as East India, Call (Grey Call), Mandariun, Blue Swedish, Crested, Wood.
Type seeds are bred, especially in Indonesia is kind of like duck duck dry, khaki Campbell ducks, Alabio, duck mojosari, bali duck, duck CV 2000-INA and ducks that are laying another superior product of CPM (Central Research Livestock) Ciawi, Bogor.
For independent populist economic enterprises.
To obtain the consumption of duck eggs, meat, and livestock breeding ducks.
Manure as fertilizer can crop / crops.
As the days activities filler retirement.
To achieve the nation through the provision of public nutrition.
Regarding the location of the cage to be considered are: location location location far from the hustle / residential population, have transportation, easily accessible location from the location of marketing and environmental conditions of the cage has a favorable climate for livestock production or productivity. Ducks and site conditions are not prone to evictions in some production periods.
Before a farmer starting his business, must prepare themselves, especially in terms of raising the understanding of pancausaha namely (1). Perkandangan, (2). Superior, (3). Livestock Feed, (4). Procedure and (5). Marketing of Livestock.
6.1. Preparation Facility and Equipment
Terms of temperature ± 39 ° C cage.
Humidity ranges between 60-65% cage
Lighting provided to facilitate the setting cage cage cage for governance in accordance with the functions of the parts of the cage
Model cage there are 3 (three) types:
cage to duckling (DOD) oada stater period can be called also the stable box, with a size of 1 m2 to accommodate 50 fish DOD
Brower cage (for ducks juvenile) is called the stable model Ren / cage tail group with the size of 16-100 per group
screen cage (for ducks during nesting) model can be a cage batteries (one or two tails in one box) can also form the cage location (group) with the size of each square meter of 4-5 adult ducks (egg-laying period or for 30 adult ducks with cage size 3 x 2 meters).
The condition of the cage and equipment
The condition of the cage does not need an expensive material but is quite simple origin durable (strong). For equipment in the form of places to eat, where to drink and perhaps other additional perelengkapan positive intent in the management
6.2. Nurseries
Livestock reared ducks have to be really a superior cattle that have tested its superiority in producing livestock products is expected.
The selection of seed and broodstock
The selection of seeds there are 3 (three) ways to obtain a good seed ducks are as follows:
buying duck eggs from the parent that is guaranteed superiority
maintain the parent is male + female duck duck eggs excel to get stuck and then put it on, chicken or hatching machine
buy DOD (Day Old Duck) from the nurseries that have been known for its quality and who have received recommendation from the local farms good setempat.Ciri DOD is not disabled (no pain) with shiny yellow coat color.
Treatment of seed and broodstock
Seed Treatment
Seeds (DOD) who had just arrived from the nursery, should be handled technically wrong to not care. As for handling as follows: seedlings received and placed on the cage brooder (sires) which has been prepared in advance. And the things that need to be considered is the temperature in the brooder brooder cultivated a duckling evenly distributed, brooder cage capacity (box) for 1 m2 to accommodate 50 fish DOD, where food and drinking places in accordance with the provisions of the type of feed ducks and stater phase drink should be increased vitamin / mineral.
Nursing candidates Parent
Prospective parent ducks there are two kinds of parent to parent egg production and consumption for the production of eggs. Treatment of both the same, the difference is only on the parent for the production of hatching eggs must be male by a ratio of 1 male to 5-6 females.
Reproduction and Marriage
Reproduction or breeding is intended to get the egg hatchability of fertile / well-fertilized by the male duck. While there are two known mating system
kinds of ducks hand mating / feeding ducks made by man and nature mating (mating ducks naturally).
6.3. Maintenance
Sanitation and Preventive Action
Sanitation cage is absolutely necessary in the maintenance of duck and preventive measures (prevention of disease) need to be considered early warning of disease.
Controller Disease
Made at any time and carefully and thoroughly. Disabled and seriously handle when there are signs of poor health on the duck.
Feeding ducks in three phases, namely phase stater (age 0-8 weeks), grower phase (age 8-18 weeks) and phase-screen (age 18-27 weeks). Feed the three phases in the form of feed so from the factory (in practical) with the code of each phase.
How to give the feed is divided into four groups:
0-16 days of age is given in place of flat feed (tray feeder)
age of 16-21 days given with tray feeder and distribution floor
aged 21 days to 18 weeks spread the floor.
age 18 weeks-72 weeks, there are two ways the first 7 days in a feed transition with respect to the beginning of spawn production until production reached 5%. After that, duck feeding ad libitum (continuous). In the case of duck feed ad libitum, to save on feed costs both the usual place of his own rations diranum from ingredients such as corn, bran, fish meal, bone flour, meal feed supplements.
Giving probiotics MigroSUPLEMEN on young ducks mixed in drinking water. The way of administration are as follows:
Age 1-7 days: Use MigroSUPLEMEN is 30ml / hari/1000 tail.
Age 8-14 days: Use MigroSUPLEMEN is 60ml / hari/1000 tail.
Age 15 - 20 days: Use MigroSUPLEMEN is 90ml / hari/1000 tail.
Age 21 and older: Use MigroSUPLEMEN is 100ml / hari/1000 tail. Given only 2 days.
Ducks are already producing eggs, probiotic MigroSUPLEMENdiberikan once every 2 days (morning or afternoon) with a dose of 120ml/2hari sekali/1000 tail. Given in drinking water or mixed in feed.
When is the application of vaccines, probiotics MigroSUPLEMENpada day delivery was suspended, given back the next day.
Giving drinks duck, duck also based on age, namely:
age 0-7 days, for the first 3 days of drinking water plus vitamins and minerals, where such acids for chicks.
age 7-28 days, where the edge of the cage and drinking water provided ad libitum (continuous)
28 days-otherwise disposed of, a place to drink in the form of a rectangular with a size of 2 mx 15 cm and height 10 cm to 200-300 birds. Every day cleaning.
Maintenance Cage
Cages should be kept clean and use for power production is not affected from the existing condition of the cage.
Broadly speaking duck disease are grouped in two things:
diseases caused by microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria and protozoa
disease caused by a deficiency of food and administration of inappropriate perkandangan
The usual type of disease in ducks infected are:
Duck Disease Cholera
Cause: bacteria Pasteurela avicida. Symptoms: diarrhea, paralysis, yellow-green feces. Control: Sanitation cage, treatment with penicillin injection in breast tissue with appropriate doses of the drug's label.
Salmonellosis Disease
Cause: bacteria typhimurium.Gejala: shortness of breath, diarrhea. Control: good sanitation, treatment with furazolidone through the diet at levels of 0.04% or sulfadimidin mixed with drinking water, dose adjusted to the drug's label.
8.1. Main Results
The main result, businesses are laying duck duck eggs
8.2. By-product
The results add a parent rejects, drake as cattle meat and cattle manure as a valuable fertilizer plant
9. Postharvest
Postharvest activities that can be done is preservation. By preserving the economic value of duck egg will be longer than if they were made preservation. Eggs are not given preservation treatment can only hold it for 14 days when stored at room temperature even will soon rot. The pickling treatment comprises 5 types, namely:
Preserving with warm water
Preserving with warm water is the preservation of the simplest of duck eggs. In this way the eggs can survive for 20 days.
Preservation of eggs with guava leaf
Soaking eggs with guava leaves to maintain the quality of eggs for about 1 month. Eggs that have been soaked will change color to brown like eggs evaporation.
Preservation of eggs with coconut oil
Pickling is a preservation of the practical. In this way the egg shell color and taste has not changed.
Preservation of eggs with sodium silicate
Materials preservation of sodium silicate merupkan viscous liquid, colorless, clear, and odorless. Natirum silicate to cover the pores of the shell so that the eggs durable and long lasting up to 1.5 months. That is by soaking the eggs in a solution of sodium silikat10% for a month.
Preservation of eggs with salt
Salt soaked in a solution of common salt (NaCl) with a concentration of 25-40% for 3 weeks.
10.2.Gambaran Agribusiness Opportunities
Eggs and duck meat is a commodity exports that can deliver huge profits. The need for eggs and meat are very large international market and are still not balanced from existing inventory. It can be seen that only two countries Thailand and Malaysia, which became the largest exporting country. Until now, duck farming is still a commodity that promise to be developed intensively.
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